Episode 009 – Shortcut to the Danger Zone

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In this episode, we breakdown why shortcuts are bad, using the horror film The Ritual as exhibit A. Jeff takes on one crazy Mother in the board game Renegade, and also enjoys the most beautiful place to commit murder in The Chalet. Justin finally watches The Shape of Water and expands his board game collection with Codenames. Challenges include Limetown and Mythica – A  Quest for Heroes.



What Have We Done?

– Renegade (3:48)

– Codenames (12:25)

– The Chalet (16:25)

– Shape of Water (21:06)

– Xenoshyft Dreadmire Mobile App (26:48)

– Movie Roundup (29:47)

Breakdown of The Ritual – (33:56)

A Little Roleplay: Five-Room Dungeons – (46:03)

Gentleman’s Challenge: Limetown (1:00:44), Mythica – A Quest for Heroes (1:09:45)

Thank-Yous – (1:24:30)


–Art and Music Credits–

Podcast Logo by grazrootz

Opening music by Gold-Tiger

A Little Roleplay bumper  by puremusic

Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway

Closing music by CrossGateProductions

Check out this episode!