Episode 018 – I Am Wyvern

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In this episode, we breakdown Tau and didn’t really notice Gary Oldman was in it. Justin talks trailers for Aquaman and Shazam, while Jeff slogs through How It Ends and continues reading comics Gideon Falls and Aliens – Dust to Dust. Challenges include Train to Busan and I Am Dragon.



What Have We Done?

– DC Movie Trailers (7:51)

Aliens Dust to Dust 2 (16:24)

Gideon Falls 4 and 5 (19:44)

Nathan Fillion’s Uncharted (22:40)

How It Ends (27:50)

– Krypton Season 2 News (32:54)

Breakdown of Tau – (36:13)

Gentleman’s Challenge: I Am Dragon (53:40), Train to Busan (1:09:27)

Thank-Yous – (1:30:14)


–Art and Music Credits–

Podcast Logo by grazrootz

Opening music by Gold-Tiger

A Little Roleplay bumper  by puremusic

Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway

Closing music by CrossGateProductions

Check out this episode!