Episode 024 – There’s Gabagool In My Baba Ganoush

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In this episode, we breakdown Amazon’s new series, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan. Justin raids Uldir in Battle for Azeroth, and then wanders around his PS4 as Spiderman, looking for backpacks. Jeff gets Santa Maria to table, catches up on some TV news, and lies about Taika Waititi’s favorite food. Challenges include Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Freeform’s Beyond TV series.


What Have We Done?

WoW Uldir Raid (2:13)

Santa Maria (8:57)

Spiderman on PS4 (18:04)

– TV news (25:13)

– Captain Marvel (31:00)

Breakdown of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan (35:15)

Gentleman’s Challenge: Hunt for the Wilderpeople (56:33), Beyond (1:11:06)

Thank Yous  (1:28:48)

–Art and Music Credits–

Podcast Logo by grazrootz

Opening music by Gold-Tiger

Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway

Closing music by CrossGateProductions

Check out this episode!