Episode 027 – Giants and Demons and Wolves, Oh My!

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In this episode, Justin underthinks and Jeff overthinks the Netflix drama Hold the Dark (and probably get everything wrong). Jeff reviews a new board game in Village Attacks, gets his Stranger Things fix in comic book form, and then kickstarts a new RPG in Things From the Flood. Justin finishes Maniac, and then starts a new comic: Monstress. Challenges include the movie adaptation of I Kill Giants and the 1957 classic, Curse of the Demon.


What Have We Done?

Village Attacks (2:02)

Monstress (16:05)

Stranger Things Comic 1 (22:39)

Maniac Follow-up (27:24)

Things From the Flood RPG (35:13)

Breakdown of Hold the Dark – (48:23)

Gentleman’s Challenge: Curse of the Demon (1:10:00), I Kill Giants (1:24:04)

Thank-Yous – (1:39:21)

–Art and Music Credits–

Podcast Logo by grazrootz

Opening music by Gold-Tiger

Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway

Closing music by CrossGateProductions

A Little Roleplay bumper  by puremusic

Check out this episode!