Episode 028 – That Girl Is Venom

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In this episode, we watch and review Venom because, well, why not? Justin contemplates Tom Hardy’s relationship with lemons, but he also watches Iron Fist. Jeff talks the upcoming Android RPG setting, over-analyzes Zac Effron’s musculature, and finds out what happens when a MOBA and a battle royale make love. Challenges include the classic 1972 film, Horror Express, and its polar opposite: Baywatch.



What Have We Done?

Iron Fist (2:10)

Battlerite Royale (7:14)

DC Universe/Titans (21:05)

– DnD Campaign Update (26:25)

Shadow of the Beanstalk (33:04)

Breakdown of Venom – (39:39)

Gentleman’s Challenge: Horror Express (1:02:25), Baywatch (1:15:22)

Thank-Yous – (1:34:00)


–Art and Music Credits–

Podcast Logo by grazrootz

Opening music by Gold-Tiger

Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway

Closing music by CrossGateProductions

Check out this episode!