Episode 031 – Two Lost Souls Swimming in a Fisheye Lens Long Take

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In this episode, we breakdown season 3 of Daredevil and how we love long takes and hallways. After reading A Study in Emerald, Jeff plays a different cowboy game than everyone else, breaking out the board game Shadows of Brimstone. Justin finish Spider-Man on the PS4 and watches more My Hero Academia. Challenges include the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Green Room.



What Have We Done?

– Spider-Man on PS4 (2:30)

Shadows of Brimstone (11:00)

My Hero Academia (24:25)

A Study in Emerald (33:15)

Breakdown – Daredevil, Season 3 (40:31)

Gentleman’s Challenge: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (1:06:47), Green Room (1:22:51)

Thank-Yous – (1:43:30)


–Art and Music Credits–

Podcast Logo by grazrootz

Opening music by Gold-Tiger

Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway

Closing music by CrossGateProductions

Check out this episode!