Episode 032 – Immortal April Fool’s Jokes

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In this episode, we breakdown Homecoming, Amazon’s new TV adaptation of a Gimlet Media podcast. Justin watches Castlevania and brings news and notes from BlizzCon. Jeff rounds up some board game Kickstarters with The Edge: Dawnfall, The Everrain, and La Mancha. Challenges include the indie movie Resolution and Sword Art Online.



What Have We Done?

BlizzCon News (1:30)

The Edge: Dawnfall (16:16)

The Everrain (24:30)

La Mancha (29:53)

Castlevania (34:40)

Breakdown – Homecoming (43:22)

Gentleman’s Challenge: Resolution (1:00:12), Sword Art Online (1:11:28)

Thank-Yous – (1:30:08)


–Art and Music Credits–

Podcast Logo by grazrootz

Opening music by Gold-Tiger

Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway

Closing music by CrossGateProductions

Check out this episode!