Episode 26: A Night at the Apothecary

A big daddy, dirty mother, and a guy called Steve go shopping for flowers. Lavinia calls for an ogre to hurt her no more. Charlotte fires a crossbow armed with love.


  • Baer – Human Laborer from the wilds of the Evermoors. Played by Josh.
  • Bruno – Human Henchman from the city of Wyshafen. Played by Keith.
  • Hubert – Human Sellsword from the swamps near Fal Wehn. Played by Long.
  • Lavinia – Elven Hedgewise from the frozen city of Hallbach. Played by Ashley.
  • Erwin Ganser – Human Buccaneer from Oxstetten, capital of the Ryne. Played by Dustin.
  • Zofia – Gnome Boatwoman from Oxstetten, capital of the Ryne. Played by Melissa.
  • Gamemaster – Jeff.


–Art & Music Credits–