Episode 33: Switchback in the Saddle Again

After an episode apart, the group reunites at the mine before setting forth to deliver the prisoner. Heavy snows, mountain trails, and other surprises lay in store.


  • Baer – Human Laborer from the wilds of the Evermoors. Played by Josh.
  • Hubert – Human Sellsword from the wetlands of Fal Wehn. Played by Long.
  • Lavinia – Elf Hedgewise from the frozen city of Hallbach. Played by Ashley.
  • Erwin – Human Buccaneer from Oxstetten, capital of the Ryne. Played by Dustin.
  • Zofia – Gnome Boatwoman from Oxstetten, capital of the Ryne. Played by Melissa.
  • Gamemaster – Jeff.


–Art & Music Credits–