AILING ISLE EP01 — Zweihander RPG

The merchant vessel Myopa is caught in a terrible storm, but fortune favors the crew and passengers when they come across a secluded island refuge for the sick and infirm.

The first episode of an ongoing series of adventures live-broadcasted on, every Thursday beginning at 9PM CST and later re-posted to the official Zweihander RPG Youtube Channel. Come join the Adventures in Lollygagging crew as we explore different stories of a grim and perilous nature.


  • Sisily “Big Sis” Bogg — Ogre Jailer, played by Melissa.
  • Oscar Tenderfoot, the Holy Roller — Ubasti Wrestler, played by Justin.
  • Florence McCrae — Human Fop, played by Ashley.
  • Mordio Ulrich — Elf Antiquarian, played by Long Le.
  • Gamemaster — Jeff.