ELECTRIC BASTIONLAND || The Meat & Cheese Consortium (Part 2/3)

On an industrial sabotage job for the Cheese Mamas & Tapas, four failures delve into the increasingly odd and dangerous factory of the Meat & Cheese Consortium. Part 2 of 3.

We support Black Lives Matter and encourage you to donate, support, and amplify when, where, and how you can. Here are some organizations, funds, and projects we are supporting:

NATIONWIDE BAIL FUND – https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd

BLACK PEOPLE’S JUSTICE  FUND (Phoenix) – https://secure.everyaction.com/lFZFGA1BpUa9kyYYgSxSKw2

COLOR OF CHANGE – https://act.colorofchange.org/signup/state-emergency-black-people-are-dying/

BLACK GIRLS CODE – https://www.blackgirlscode.com/

BLACK LGBTQIA THERAPY FUND – https://www.gofundme.com/f/black-lgbtqia-therapy-fund

DISSIDENT WHISPERS – https://whispercollective.org/


  • Vilta. Master Blender. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
  • Ms. Chuffwhack. Un-Revolutionary. Played by Ashley. https://twitter.com/Shmelah_
  • Simo. Front of House Host. Played by Long. https://twitter.com/LegendaryLong
  • Dieter. Academic Debater. Played by Justin. https://twitter.com/BiseJustin
  • Douglas. Dead-Shoresman. Played by Derek.
  • Conductor – Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco


  • Our Website – https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
  • Electric Bastionland – http://www.bastionland.com/
  • Twitter – https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco
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  • Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ACompanyOfLollygaggers/
  • Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers

–Art & Music Credits–

  • Illustration ©2019, Chen Ruo Yu – http://chenruoyu.com
  • Musical theme by LynneMusic – https://www.lynnemusic.com/
  • Background ambience from Syrinscape – https://syrinscape.com/