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In this episode, we talk (Jeff more quietly than Justin) first impressions of Hulu’s Castle Rock. Justin pulls Umbrella Academy, while Jeff goes crazy with RPG news. Dwarven Forge and Expanse RPG kickstarters. New DnD settings Eberron and Ravnica. Justin loves his ReZort challenge and Jeff forgets everything about the movie What We Do in the Shadows.
What Have We Done?
– Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep (6:00)
– Umbrella Academy (13:05)
– The Expanse RPG (21:40)
– Eberron and Ravnica Settings (34:00)
Breakdown of Castle Rock – (46:45)
Gentleman’s Challenge: The ReZort (1:08:12), What We Do in the Shadows (1:25:21)
Thank-Yous – (1:41:24)
–Art and Music Credits–
– A Little Roleplay bumper by puremusic
– Gentlemen’s Challenge bumper by syntheway